Exfoliation! It is a word used and glorified way too often in the beauty space but most of us are guilty of not practising it enough. In simple terms, exfoliation involves scrubbing off the dead cells and gunk on the top layer of your skin, to reveal the healthier layers beneath. Besides, these young skin cells are more receptive to the other steps of your beauty regime such as hydrating, moisturizing or any other application, making it a crucial step that one cannot miss.

And while the markets are teeming with all sorts of scrubs, the best ones are organic. The ones that leave behind no trace – on your skin or in the bin – only a healthy glow.

We bring you 5 simple DIY recipes for homemade scrubs that take less than 5 minutes to whip up. And, the furthest you have to go to pick up the ingredients, is to your kitchen!