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5 simple munchies you can stir up at home




5 simple munchies you can stir up at home

  • We love the crunch of a crisp as much as we hate the rustle of the plastic packet that it comes wrapped in. With these home-made recipes, you can skip the noise.

In these quarantined times of ‘Netflix and no chill’, here’s how we’re stocking up on crispies that you can stir up at home. But what we love even more about these is that with a little bit of mindful shopping on our part, these can also be free of plastic packaging! All branded chips arrive in plastic packets, which are multi-layered with plastic and aluminium, and therefore unsuitable for recycling. They invariably end up in landfills or the oceans and lakes. The only way to avoid them therefore is to avoid buying packaged snacks. It’s all good, until you realise that you absolutely need some savouries to munch on while streaming a show!

So here’s what you can do. Some healthy-ish, homemade, package-free alternatives.

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